搜索 Longden

  • Sophies 18th birthday party becomes a bloodbath when six terrifying monsters descend upon her house, intent on devouring the party guests and killing anyone who tries to leave. As her school friends are torn apart and eaten, Sophie must rally a band of misfits and take up arms to send their party crashers back to hell.…
  • 希区柯克又一部经典的悬疑惊悚片,讲述女主角正当防卫杀人后被人敲诈的故事,影片拍摄到后期时老板要求希区柯克把它改成有声片,希区柯克对部分场景进行了重拍加入声音,影片也因此成为英国第一部有声片,因此时大部分影院无有声设备,因此以默片和有声片双版本上映。多年来音像制品中常见的都是有声片版,而其实默片版成就更高,对于如何处理画…
  • 夸特马斯教授正试图为月球殖民地的计划争取支持,他对雷达上出现的神秘痕迹——陨石坠落感兴趣。在他们到达着陆地点后,他...