搜索 Craine

  • Sophies 18th birthday party becomes a bloodbath when six terrifying monsters descend upon her house, intent on devouring the party guests and killing anyone who tries to leave. As her school friends are torn apart and eaten, Sophie must rally a band of misfits and take up arms to send their party crashers back to hell.…
  • 发光的生物,拥有自己内在光芒的生物,让我们着迷和惊讶。任何见过萤火虫或萤火虫的人都会不由自主地被他们迷住。夜晚的大海闪闪发光,数以百万计的发光浮游生物在一场真正神奇的灯光秀中展现出海豚的形状。但是为什么动物会产生活光呢?几个世纪以来,我们只能惊叹于美丽和神秘,但现在我们第一次可以开始揭示关于活光的惊人真相。它取得了三项…