搜索 Shammi

  • The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a world meant for all.
  • The Kapoors are a wealthy family. There is grandpa Kapoor; Grandma Kapoor; their son Kailashnath Kapoor, and his daughter Ashi. As Ashi has come of age, the Kapoors are now on the look-out for a suitable groom. They meet with the Malhotras, as Mr. Malhotra has been a childhood friend of Kailashnath, and his wife. Their…
  • 富家弟子维卡在一次度假游览中见到了一位年轻美丽的姑娘苏尼塔。苏尼塔家境贫寒,在一家酒吧唱歌维持生计,一次演出遭到一些人哄闹,维卡拉姆以自己的歌喉为她解围,从此他俩情意绵绵形影不离,立下海誓山盟,永不分离。但门第的悬殊使得维卡拉姆的母亲沙达拒绝苏尼塔成为自己的儿媳妇。维卡拉姆见母亲固执,一气之下,离家出走返回山城,决定和…