搜索 Melih

  • 安德(Ender)与塞丁(Cetin)两位年近四十的中年人是从小一起长大的好友。在分别多年之后,塞丁回到安卡拉,与安德重逢的同时也想起他们孩童时的梦想,于是这两位好友住到了一起。安德与塞丁的好友费克雷(Fikret)一直住在国外,这次回土耳其度假却突遭横祸,他的父母都在车祸中死去。费克雷将自己的妹妹尼哈尔(Nihal)交付两位好友照顾,她将和他们…
  • 安納托利亞山區寄宿學校的小男生病了,同窗好友尤瑟夫四出奔波求助。經過 重重關卡才獲理會,待老師校長得知事態嚴重急召救援,又遇上積雪阻路,等 到救護車抵達,男生已奄奄一息。庫爾德族新銳導演法列卡拉漢以晃動不安的 鏡頭,透過尤瑟夫之眼,靜觀學校鐵腕管治,老師互相卸責,層層剖開男生病 重之謎。病入膏肓更是陳腐制度與壓抑環境,令孩…
  • A high school graduate, Yusuf could not pass the university entrance exam. Writing poetry is his greatest passion and some of his poems are being printed in various obscure literary journals. But neither these poems, nor the rapidly falling price of the milk they sell, are being of any benefit to Yusuf and Zehra’s live…