搜索 Mattis

  • 夸口的青蛙1954[电影解说]
      自认为勇敢本领大的小青蛙时常夸口,说自己跑得快跳得高还能爬树。某次,它提出和小白兔比赛跑步,引来了众多小动物好奇的围观。中途,怕输的它临时改变注意,要小白兔和它比赛爬树,结果小松鼠代替小白兔和它比赛,蹭蹭很快爬到树顶,它却又嘲笑小松鼠说爬得再高也上不了天,而它却能。  小青蛙想出上天的办法,找来大雁商量,大雁答应下…
  • Beyond the Woods is a psychological thriller which follows Detective Reeves investigation after Laura Bennetts death and the disappearance of her brother Jack. The suspect at hand is Lauras husband Andrew, who seems to be the only one to know where Jack really is. Detective Reeves must solve this never ending puzzle, a…
  • 一位研究超自然现象的作家认为,低频的触觉声音是导致在废弃地铁站出现鬼魂的原因。 为了揭穿目击事件,她闯入车站记录证据。