搜索 Martti

  • Risto is ten years old and a drummer. He lives with his Aunt Serena – who becomes the source of Risto's problems. She writes a love letter to the bachelor who lives above them. But then Nelly, the new girl in the house, gets hold of th…
  • A journey through Mongolia, Japan, China and South Korea, narrated by the journals of Finnish lingui...
  • 最后的牛仔
    最后的牛仔讲述的是一个牛仔的罗曼史,为了重新回到自己的爱人身边,他经历了重重磨难……  一对小兄弟整天只需烦恼着谁来扮牛仔、隔壁女生讨不讨厌我……两人歃血为盟约定不能比对方早死,然而一个无意间被哥哥发现的秘密,却让妈妈歇斯底里、家庭分崩离析,无忧的童年变成一场无尽的梦靥。  十年后走不出伤痛的哥…