搜索 MariusWeyers

  • Basson has five days to make it to his fathers funeral in Cape Town, but needs to complete certain tasks on this trip before he can call the family company his own. On the road he meets free-spirited bohemian girl, Amory. As they journey across the breathtaking landscape of South Africa, they meet wonderful characters …
  • 迈可曼吉那是一位南非警官,对政府忠诚不二,对错误政策也不曾置疑,他正身处于随时会爆发的风暴中心,却毫不自知。1980年南非种族隔离政策在社会掀起一连串抗争运动,迈可的家庭生活也因此开始崩解,因为他的儿子早已认清了种族隔离政策的残暴本质,而迈可竟是这项恶法的执行者,使迈可面临最无奈的矛盾与挣扎。
  • 上市集团继承人巴松聪明但为人傲慢,与父亲在多方面意见不合,最终公司破产,父亲去世。他带着父亲的遗书踏上了寻找自我的旅程,并且在途中邂逅了美丽的波西米亚女郎…...