搜索 MagdalenaCielecka

  • 90年代初的波兰,正待迎接共产政权垮台后的崭新未来,年龄光谱横跨数十载的四名女子,也即将遭逢人生的剧变。受困于乏味婚姻生活的主妇,意外爱上教会的神父;严谨干练的小学校长,于一段不伦恋情中饱受煎熬;年轻美丽的舞蹈教练,不愿继续在远距离恋爱中寂寞枯萎;年过半百的文学老师,为教育奉献一生却突然失去了工作。她们的难题各异,命运却…
  • Marek, the main character of "Palimpsest," is a police inspector, a man on the verge of psychological disintegration trying to solve an intricate case. The story is told on two planes. The first one is a crime story, which constitutes the framework of the film. In the course of events, another theme appears - psycholog…