搜索 Kozlowski

  • A young couple, Mary and John, awaiting a baby is in search for a house when they decide to buy that lovely old villa they found by coincidence. What they both do not know is that Myron, the owner of that villa and their new neigbour, is a dangerous psychopath and that Mary reminds him of his dead mother. Mary begins t…
  • 廉姆.凯斯曾有过一段很悲惨的过去,如今他主要靠捡拾垃圾为生。某一天,在从车祸现场烧着的轿车中救出一个小女孩后,他初次体会到了当英雄的感觉,随后便陷入其中不能自拔。尤其当他爱上一个银行出纳员后,他决定再次重演一场英雄救美的戏。结果事情的进程却并未如他所料……