搜索 Dimitris

  • After Jason (9) is abandoned by his mother at a folk festival, he takes refuge in a forest cabin belonging to a mute loner. A series of circumstances eventually lead them to form a family - something both have lacked for a while.
  • Kala azar describes of a place that cannot sustain animal life any longer. In a big city somewhere in the south of Europe, a couple takes care of dead animals and abandoned roadkill as an act to give meaning to their life. Kala azar is a www.molikan.com meditation on the paradox of life-circles among beings of differen…
  • 尼科斯的家族在雅典有一间代代相传的裁缝店,专营男装西服定制,他自己也从父亲那里学到了手艺,成天窝在阁楼工作。经济危机来临,客人越来越少,雪上加霜的是,尼科斯的父亲也病倒了。不久后,银行上门威胁要收回店铺。在这个关键时刻,尼科斯踏出了阁楼为他圈定的舒适区,开始做出事业以及人生上的改变。他改变了裁缝店的经营模式,以流动销售…
  • 帕纳约塔与丈夫科斯塔斯和两个孩子住在雅典一个很受欢迎的社区里,生活似乎很平静。她唯一的工作就是照料家务和抚养孩子。随着经济危机的严重打击,这个家庭艰难度日。在这种情况下,帕纳约塔为了补贴家用,外出就职,找到了一份清洁工的工作。虽然她的工作环境恶劣,她也面临着残酷的剥削,但到目前为止,她在枯燥的生活中度过了最快乐的时光。…