搜索 DiCaprio

  • 逆转人类最黑暗的时刻!“必看佳片!令人心忧、触目惊心”——曼诺哈·达吉斯,《纽约时报》。“欢欣鼓舞……令人百看不厌。”——《洛杉矶时报》。“寻找改变世界的方法。”——《ELLE》。人类已经濒临绝境!扭转危机、阴止全球陷入生态灾难大爆发的最后时刻已经到来。影星莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥作为出镜旁白和制片人,为全球观众呈现这部以环境…
  • Can we reverse climate change? Ice on Fire explores the many ways we reduce carbon inputs to the atmosphere and, more important, how to draw carbon down, bringing CO2 out of the atmosphere and thus paving the way for global temperatures to go down. Reversing climate change is urgent, given that the world passed 400 par…