搜索 Christoffersen

  • 珀尔杰森是丹麦飞碟协会的成员,他曾经为了接近心爱的姑娘苏珊而接受宇航员培训,对航天一窍不通的他考核失败,作弊的事情又被苏珊发现,两人分道扬镳。   多年后,丹麦大富翁库尔特玛加以保护环境之名,声称要投资赞助土星之旅的航天计划。在出发前,航天队的领航员病倒,库尔特不顾技术顾问苏珊的反对,执意任命珀尔担任领航员的职务。在退…
  • Louise and Kasper, a Danish couple, live in an isolated villa in the middle of the forest away from modern life, technology and even electricity. Louise's biggest dream is to become a mother but she is unable to have children. She finally decides, out of desperation, to seal a pact with her Romanian maid, Elena. Elena …