搜索 CharlesChaplin

  • Narrated by Sydney Pollack, film critic Richard Schickel's dazzling two-hour plus documentary to one of the towering figures in film: Charles Chaplin. Hardcore Chaplin fans may not find much new material here, but more unfamiliar admirers will gain some valuable information about one of the most famous personalities of…
  • 剧情描述犹太人理发师查理,因为独裁者兴杰尔对犹太人下达了逮捕令而东躲西藏。不料在奥国边境时,却被驻守在那里的德军误认为他就是兴杰尔,于是他趁机作了一场维护民主主义的大演说。剧情描述犹太人理发师查理,因为独裁者兴杰尔对犹太人下达了逮捕令而东躲西藏。不料在奥国边境时,却被驻守在那里的德军误认为他就是兴杰尔,于是他趁机作了一…