搜索 Blankfield

  • 长生帝婿
  • 疯狂医生
    Dr Daniel Jekyll researching into drugs that would help mankind avoid surgery discovers a white powder that unleashes the animal in every man, and in his case turning him from a shy and timid doctor into a wild sex crazed party animal. To the delight and dismay of both his rich fiancée and stripper girlfriend.This movi…
  • 杰瑞.贝尔森将一部经典恐怖片改拍成八十年代节奏的疯狂喜剧。影片以医生和医院为讽刺物件,描述一家以器官移殖手术知名的医院,里面有最昂贵的设备,可以将快断气的病人救活。由于这些设备的维护费太贵,医院必须把病人弄到快死了,然后才能够动用设备把他们救活。有良心的杰基尔医生为...