搜索 Batalla

  • 哈立德的任务是消灭卡比尔,一个前士兵变成了流氓,因为他与他的导师进行了史诗般的战斗。
  • In a solitary town nestled in the Mexican mountains, the girls wear boyish haircuts and have hiding places underground. Ana and her two best friends take over the houses of those who have fled and dress up as women when no one is watching. In their own impenetrable universe, magic and joy abound; meanwhile, their mothe…
  • 美军阿拉巴马号核子潜水艇再次出航任务时却意外进入时光隧道,只有狄更斯(杰夫·法赫 饰)舰长一人生还,虽然X与大众怀疑他的说词,但是蓝斯博士(杰克·科尔曼 饰)却肯定这可能性,并请他担任时光之旅的潜水艇指挥官,与漂亮能干的女博士,重闯神秘百慕达三角洲。   他们终于在同一地点再次进入2077年的未来世界,遇到正在用阴谋引发世界核…