搜索 Avery

  • 狗打鸣[电影解说]
  • 我好冷1954[电影解说]
      Chilly Willy is freezing in his igloo home (he lives in Coldernell, Alaska) and burning everything he owns in the fireplace to keep warm. He notices an ad for the local fur factory and realizes that warmth is only a visit away. Unfortuna…
  • 厄运小黑猫[电影解说]
      A little cat is being mercilessly tormented by a mean bulldog until one day he meets a black cat who offers a bad-luck service. Whenever the little cat blows a whistle, the black cat comes out, and the bulldog is struck down with an atta…
  • 大餐1936[电影解说]
  • 明日之车[电影解说]
      A humorous look at the possible future of automotive technology from the Tex Avery team of animators. Predicted developments include gadgets aimed at children, female drivers, young drivers, backseat drivers, tailgaters, road hogs (and t…
  • 美加(CBC及Netflix)合拍的《#清秀佳人#Anne》(在Netflix名称为《AnneWithAnE》)被两方同时续订第二季,而且第二季将增加集数至10集,秋季开机拍摄的新季预定18年播出。
  • 汤马斯是名畅销作家,他的人生导师事业也如日中天,某日他突然被疯狂的客户安吉尔绑架,被强迫上了一堂“因果报应”的人生课。汤马斯本想通过心灵之路挽救安吉尔,希望可以得到救赎,结果却发生了令人意想不到的事情……因果循环真的存在吗?汤马斯是名畅销作家,他的人生导师事业也如日中天,某日他突然被疯狂的客户安吉尔绑架,被强迫上了一堂…
  • 位于以色列首都特拉维夫附近的科学发展研究所,最近研发成功一种剧毒,它跟水结合后产生的毒气,能在瞬间取人性命;为了解这项发展成果,一群美国专家特地搭乘专机前往考,不料这架飞机遭到劫持,科学家如数遭到毒手。同时另一架同型飞机载著一批恐怖份子,冒充这群专家。一名特勤部队士官哈菲德此次奉美国驻以色列大使馆之命,护送这批生化专家…
  • A woman is faced with a choice to fight for her life or sacrifice it for another. After years of infertility, a m.ysgou.cc newly-expectant mother is diagnosed with a life-altering disease.
  • After the premature death of her estranged husband, Emma (Winter) regains custody of their young daughter Isla (Jones) and hopes to rebuild their relationship after many years apart. But when an evil entity begins to torment them, mother and daughter are forced to face the inexplicable presence that inhabits the walls …