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  • 聪明的沃里[电影解说]
      When I was a kid I always used to like to read the picture books, then they made them into a TV series on CITV. This was actually quite a good book based cartoon. Wally is a guy in a red and white fleece with a dog dressed the same. Basi…
  • 穷达的本名叫南宫达,但是从来没人叫过,他无奈地接受了这个现实。穷达从小到大颇不走运,从学生开始无论在那个领域他连个末等奖都没得过,走到哪儿都是众矢之的。万般无奈,他转学来到新学校,以期命运之神能光顾一下。在这里他遇到了同病相怜的严生,严生吿诉他,要想出人头地,唯一的办法就是暴力。穷达茅塞顿开,他准备找一个弱小的学生练手…