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  • 故事说的是一对在杂耍剧院表演的贫穷夫妇,男的生性嫉妒;女的却又偏怀野心,经常梦想着一天能出人头地。一次有位富商邀请该女子去拍电影,实质上想暗中勾引她;丈夫得知后妒火顿生,便痛斥富商的淫亵,扬言要杀掉富商解气。谁知就在他尚未动手之际,富商却已遭人暗杀,丈夫由此惹上官司。这对落难鸳鸯又该如何脱身?
  • A young couple, Renee and Pierre, take one night a room at the Hotel du Nord, in Paris, near the canal Saint-Martin. They want to die together, but after having shooted at Renee, Pierre lacks of courage and ran away. Another customer, Monsieur Edmond, a procurer, rescues her. When Renee goes out of the hospital, she is…