搜索 杰西·科夫

  • D日
    Some people called it a suicide, but for the Rangers of the 2nd Battalion, that's another word for mission. When an elite group of American soldiers are ordered to take out a series of German machine gun nests, they find themselves blindly venturing into hostile territory. Outnumbered and outgunned they must risk life …
  • 第二次世界大战中,根据英国盟军埃森·豪威尔将军策划的“霸王”行动,为所有同盟军争取诺曼底登陆时间成为关键。1944年6月6日,诺曼底登陆拉开序幕。为了夺取海滩制高点霍克角山脊,压制德国布防在犹他和奥马哈海岸的重型火炮及机枪火力点,并销毁敌军的主力大炮,美军陆军中校詹姆斯·厄尔·鲁德尔率领第二游骑兵部队“猛犬连”成为这项任务的…