搜索 (Jack

  • A good solid film for only a million dollar budget. The plot is believable and right along the same lines as Mission Impossible 2...and this movie came out 2 years before MI2. Maybe MI2 saw this and copied it on a big scale. Ron Pearlman is as sinister as he always is and Clint Howard plays the same quirky, goofball he…
  • 新加坡小学实行分班制,EM1是学习成绩好的班,EM2是中等成绩的,EM3则是成绩不好的班级。国斌、文福、Terry是EM3的学生,被其他学生瞧不起,老师、亲戚和朋友认定他们是 “笨小孩”。他们因此不喜欢学校。 Terry生活优越,喜爱依赖别人,做事没主见,逃避承担责任。国斌喜爱画画,母亲却认为这会影响学习成绩。文福需要照顾弟弟和帮母亲开档。 …