搜索 McEnroe

  • 一个穿着得克萨斯州的传统服装、开着一辆红色敞篷车的解说员来到了维吉尔镇。他在镇上到处转悠,他热心地用摄影机记录下当地的建筑和风俗。他遇到了一些奇怪的人:电子计算机人、撒谎的女人、聪明的女人、懒惰的女人等,这些人超出了他的想象,难以理解。市民领袖厄尔·卡尔弗受人尊重,他将解说员邀请到家中吃饭,并在席间发表了一通匪夷所思的…
  • An intimate portrait of one of the most explosive and compelling sporting icons of all time.A supernova in the world of tennis, as awe-inspiring as he could be explosive, John McEnroe’s combined 155 championship titles still ranks as the highest achievement in the Men’s Open era. But as Barney Douglas’s film shows, thi…