搜索 Asha

  • 讲述了三段发生在希腊的跨越种族的恋爱。在社会动荡不安的时刻,人类的爱情仍然不可抵挡,但现实的阻碍尽在眼前,三对有情人能否突破阻碍最终找到真爱呢?讲述了三段发生在希腊的跨越种族的恋爱。在社会动荡不安的时刻,人类的爱情仍然不可抵挡,但现实的阻碍尽在眼前,三对有情人能否突破阻碍最终找到真爱呢?
  • It should have been just a normal day of sex, fun, alcohol, hormones and debauchery for Tabitha and Mimi, two twenty somethings who care about nothing but themselves and what chaos they can cause. But that so-called normalcy gets tossed out the window when an unexpected and devastating event occurs at a nighttime pool …
  • 《幻想之地》是由派拉蒙影业和尼可罗迪恩动画公司合作拍摄。伊万(艾迪·墨菲饰演)作为一个比较成功的财务主管,像很多上班族一样,顶着竞争的压力,为了维持业绩,不得不花费大把的时间在工作上,也因此忽视了自己七岁的女儿奥莉薇拉(亚拉·莎西蒂饰演)。他绝对不能算一个合格的父亲,无法给女儿做一顿像样的早饭,更没有心情陪女儿玩耍。虽然他…
  • From the creators of Hulu’s “Fyre Fraud,” LuLaRich is a true-con docuseries about LuLaRoe, the women’s internet apparel company that went from fast-growing retail phenomenon to alleged viral multi-level marketing scam. The four part serie…