搜索 洛威·舍曼

  • 牵牛花
    Eva Lovelace, would-be actress trying to crash the New York stage, is a wildly optimistic chatterbox full of theatrical mannerisms. Her looks, more than her talent, attract the interest of a paternal actor, a philandering producer, and an earnest playwright. Is she destined for stardom or the "casting couch"?…
  • 伊娃.罗弗莱斯是一个极具才华的青年女演员,她渴望在百老汇舞台上大放异彩,为了这个目标,她付出了无数的努力。在为一出重要戏剧工作的时候,她爱上了制片人,但是制作人对她并不是以认真的态度,只是垂涎她的年轻美色。与此同时这出戏的编剧约瑟夫.施莱德却默默地爱着她。在并不平坦的成功之路上,伊娃付出了令人动容的心血,同时又保留了自己…