搜索 李尚宇

  • Young-taek is a high school student. One day, a boy visits his house. It turns out that this boy is his father's lover. He can't believe that his father is gay but eventually accepts the fact. After he graduates from high school and attends university, he meets a senior classmate who bees being in love with him…
  • A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with the Advent calendar itself.
  • 1950年,韩战爆发。不同的政体,使同一个民族的鲜血洒满朝鲜半岛。在某个与世隔绝的角落,老斤里村的人民过着日出而作,日落而息的田园生活。时间缓缓流逝,怡然欢快的气氛弥漫四周。然而这份恬淡最终被战争的魔爪打破,传说美军将来此地驻军,村民们被迫向汉城迁徙。他们一路奔波,却没来由遭到美军飞机的轰炸和美国大兵的机枪扫射,无辜与年轻…
  • 李尚宇执导的韩国剧情片,白成铉、徐信爱主演。影片讲述法学院高材生放弃学业追逐开咖啡屋的梦想的故事....