搜索 宋政阳

  • 首富千金江传雨为爱离家出走,与相看两厌的“保镖”时天青和心仪的秀才林予谦一起勇闯江湖,最终事业爱情双双丰收!
  • 富家千金江传雨认定“江湖小报”等八卦含有巨大商机,却被父亲斥责。江传雨一气之下离家出走立志要令父亲刮目相看,江母暗中聘请天下第一剑客时天青保护她。二人后又与江传雨未婚夫林予谦相逢。三人齐心协力,开展造“星”计划,赚得盆满钵满。然而危机也随之而来:粉丝的对掐、“私生饭”的威胁。江传雨游走在各方势力之间,时天青和林予谦对她…
  • Determined to impress her parents, Jiang Chuanyu left home in search of business opportunities. Here she secretly hires the world's best swordsman, Shi Tianqing, to protect her. The two later meet up with Jiang Chuanyu's fiance and work together to carve out a profitable business. Will they succeed amidst all the trial…