搜索 周占

  • 天侑六年,志宗崩逝,其次女公主楚九龄(彭小苒 饰)质疑其叔父弑君篡位。经历家破人亡等一系列突如其来的变故,九龄下定决心查清泽州隐秘,揭穿父皇被害真相,守护自己的至亲。九龄在成国公世子朱瓒(金瀚 饰)的帮助下坚持济世救人,不断地与奸佞的骚扰和攻击斗争,建立了医馆九龄堂,治痘疮,护百姓。与此同时,朱瓒与清贵公子宁云钊、前夫陆…
  • On her wedding day, Chu Jiu Ling (daughter of former crown prince) discovers that the person who killed her father is her uncle (the current Emperor). Just as she decides to seek revenge, she was almost killed by her husband, an imperial guard. Fortunately, she was saved by physician Zhang Qing Shan. Chu Jiu Ling retur…